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"The Service Warehouse Will be CLOSED for The Holidays"

NOTE: To inform you that our warehouse will be Closed on Tuesday 31 & Wenesday 1 of January 2025.
Therefore, This is going to be a very short week for shipping. We want to make sure this does not catch
anyone by surprise if there is an order you are working on..get it over ASAP so we can meet your requirements.

You can always send your orders 24hr ONLINE we will process them on Thursday January 2, 2025

holidays schedule
construction reamers
screw-on Drive Rings
Electrical Tape
montly promo j-hooks
demoliton metal cutting
holidays j-hooks promotions

Toll-Free (800) 822-6004
310 329-9110
24-Hour Fax (310) 329-9428
Email: Sales@TheServiceWarehouse.com